Joaquin Phoenix as the ‘Joker’: Set photos and videos

Todd Phillips reveals Joaquin Phoenix as Joker (Arthur Fleck).

October 10, 2018 by Jessie Mendoza

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The standalone Joker movie set to be released in October 2019 has begun filming.

Many are waiting for the first look at the makeup of Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. But the best pictures circulating on the internet right now are the pictures below. They show how the Joker looks like before madness.

Todd Phillip’s ‘Joker’ set videos

Joker set photos

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Arthur Fleck

If you can’t get enough of the set photos and videos, here’s Joker’s pre-transformation image shared by Todd Phillips himself on Instagram with the caption of Joker’s name in the movie, ‘Arthur’. As in ‘Arthur Fleck’.

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[ref: Todd Phillips]

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