Pamela Anderson breaks up with boyfriend Adil Rami

Pamela Anderson splits from her boyfriend Adil Rami.

June 25, 2019 by Marsha Dizon

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Canadian-American actress, model and activist Pamela Anderson (age 51) has officially broken up with her boyfriend Adil Rami (age 33), a French professional footballer.

In a series of posts on Instagram, Pamela Anderson described her stormy relationship with Adil Rami. She minced no words in saying that she was “scammed” and called Adil Rami a “monster”.

Anderson said that the more than 2 years of her life with Rami was a “big lie”. She described Adil Rami as someone who has no respect for any woman but his mother.

Pamela Anderson said that her friend, photographer and director David Lachapelle, had warned her from the start that Adil Rami was a liar and cannot be trusted. But she didn’t listen to his advice not to get involved with Rami.

The actress said that Adil Rami was living a double life. She asked, “How is it possible to control 2 women’s hearts and minds like this.”

pamela anderson and adil rami

The Pamela Anderson Foundation @pamelaanderson
June 25, 2019

It’s hard to accept 💔

The last (more than) 2 years of my life have been a big lie.
I was scammed,
led to believe … we were in « big love »?. I’m devastated
to find out in the last few days.
That he was living a double life.
He used to joke about other players
who had girlfriends down the street in apartments close to their wives.
He called those men monsters. ?

But this is worse. He lied to all.
How is it possible
to control 2 women’s hearts and minds like this –
I’m sure there were others.
He is the monster.
How could I have helped so many people @ndvhofficial
and not be wise enough or able to help myself.

It looks like Adil Rami was lying to both Pamela Anderson and his ex. Pamela said she talked to Adil Rami’s ex and learned that he lied to her too:

“My God. He lied to her about all too. She’s also in shock and is very sad. It’s the evidence I needed to move on. He can’t hurt us more.”

Pamela Anderson said that Adil Rami tried everything to get her back, sending flowers and letters. He even showed up at her hotel, but security took him away.

The actress said she has a body guard because she is scared of Rami, who has hurt her and threatened her many times. She also said she tried to leave the relationship 10 times, but Rami always chased her and promised not to hurt her again.

Adil Rami and Pamela Anderson started dating in 2017, after meeting at the Monaco Grand Prix. Pamela moved to France to be with Rami.

Pamela doesn’t think she will recover easily from what happened and said she will now be leaving France.

In one of the posts, Pamela Anderson wrote:

Narcissists don’t change. Sociopaths don’t change. I will run for my life – I have always fought for truth and justice- this is my worst nightmare.

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